Egna medel
32 800 kr
We are convinced that having the opportunity to tour in Austria and Sweden will allow the group and individuals to have a closer understanding the cultural backgrounds and moreover it a chance to get in contact with other Austrian musicians and meet the Austrian music scene as well as offer our artistry to Swedish and Austrian audiences. As a member of this project it has been enriching concerning our musicianship but just as much as our social collaboration. Coming from different countries means accepting, learning and tolerating different ways of life, working and starting to reflect upon your own values or education as well as being.
Tourdates as of 10th january include;
March 31st- Musicvalvet, Stockholm
April 1st- Hotel Hellsten, Stockholm
2nd- Glenn Miller Cafe, Stockholm
3rd-Hotel Hellsten, Stockholm
7th- House of Win Win, Göteborg
8th- Cafe Berlin, Göteborg
12th- ZWE, Vienna
13th- Konzert im Dunkeln, Vienna
14th- Musikwerksatt, Wels
15th- SO WHAT, Salzburg